Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I've decided that having a thesis based on Vietnam's declining economy is not such a good idea for me because

1. The occurrence of the Vietnam War is the only thing I know about the history of Vietnam. (what a shame, my own native country...) Also, history is not my forte.
2. My knowledge of the political theory, communism, is not so vast.
3. It's not safe to write a 20 page paper on something that can change the very next day. In my case, it's the economic decline of Vietnam in which the communist government is responsible for.

It sounds like a good thesis, I'm not going to lie, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle a lot of information in such a time frame.

As for my other options, I'm still very interested in human behaviors and actions. As a matter of fact, I think I'm more fascinated with psychology and sociology than I am with communism...

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