Thursday, January 22, 2009


Everyone thinks my blog is depressing. I'm sorry.... dot dot dot. It's okay, my venting session will end here. haha.

Oh yeah, the blog I "lost" was actually posted on the Hon Sem blog. Oops.

Anyways, I had a little conference with Mr. Engholm and Kaleigh about my thesis. I still feel very strong about it, and hopefully I'll continue to be this enthusiastic for the next 14 months or so.

My plan now is to write a narrative about my perception of my dad's experience in the war, so this is obviously going to be a creative thesis. God, please grant me writing skills and help me overcome all da bad grammar I gots.

Anyways, I was thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if I get to visit Vietnam this summer with my dad? That would help majorly...

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