Saturday, January 31, 2009

The parents agree

My parents think I'm crazy too. They think I spend too much time in my room doing homework and studying (which is 75% true).

They instructed me a routine that I need to follow daily, which consists of
  • eating right when I get home from school
  • then shower
  • then spend 30 minutes outside
  • then take a nap if I need to
  • THEN I can start my homework
ANYWAYS, I thought this routine would come in good work with my ecopsychological thesis. Each day, I will try to record down my thoughts in a journal (can't decide if I want it to be private or public) and see if the daily 30 minutes outside extravaganza would help alleviate my insanity.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm going insane in the membrane.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm doubting my thesis.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Everyone thinks my blog is depressing. I'm sorry.... dot dot dot. It's okay, my venting session will end here. haha.

Oh yeah, the blog I "lost" was actually posted on the Hon Sem blog. Oops.

Anyways, I had a little conference with Mr. Engholm and Kaleigh about my thesis. I still feel very strong about it, and hopefully I'll continue to be this enthusiastic for the next 14 months or so.

My plan now is to write a narrative about my perception of my dad's experience in the war, so this is obviously going to be a creative thesis. God, please grant me writing skills and help me overcome all da bad grammar I gots.

Anyways, I was thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if I get to visit Vietnam this summer with my dad? That would help majorly...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Double You Tee Eff

I posted a really long post during class but that somehow got deleted...? Anyways, I'm at home now so I can't repost it again since my files are saved on the school's computers. I guess I'll do it again tomorrow...

Monday, January 19, 2009


I feel sick. Gaaaaaaaaaah, my head feels like it's being weighed down by a bucket of mucus.

We're All Going to Die

The routine of showering gets so boring and hackneyed (vocabulary word!) that it makes showering an opportunity to think a lot. Anyways, I took a shower yesterday and one of the things that creeped up my mind was the Mayan's prediction of the end of the Great Cycle in the year 2012. Then I started thinking about the Great Tribulation.

There are still a lot of things I want to do. If the world really will end in the year 2012, I'm quitting school now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


What if my phase of horrible grammar does not end by the time I start writing my paper?

I'm kind of stressed out about everything. EVERYTHING. My definition of everything is really everything, not just school and friends and whatnot.

Someone just asked me in a really rude tone why I am doing homework now when I don't have school tomorrow. IDIOT. Let me just disregard all the homework I have this weekend and cram the two tests, essay, studying for SAT, English project, and Hon Sem video on the last day so I can stress out even more! At times like this, I wish I had a big piece of brick by my side to throw at anyone who asks me a dumb question.

What makes me even more irritated is trying to get work done in this house with the two little loud obnoxious sisters.

Is it alright if someone come steal me away?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Riddle Me This


What is a mandatory essay that is graded for bonus points?

'Nuff said.


After talking to Mr. Engholm about where I am with my thesis, I have narrowed down to two specific topics:

1. Write a memoir about my dad's experience in the Vietnam War, and somehow incorporate a thesis and message in the story. I would most likely put in an anti-communism tone.
2. Research the behaviors of a certain age group (such as teenagers) and determine whether the majority of the group is more mature or less mature than they should be for their age. OR determine to find if females mature faster than males.

As of now, I am actually more interested in writing about my dad's past. I can't wait til I get to talk to him about it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I've decided that having a thesis based on Vietnam's declining economy is not such a good idea for me because

1. The occurrence of the Vietnam War is the only thing I know about the history of Vietnam. (what a shame, my own native country...) Also, history is not my forte.
2. My knowledge of the political theory, communism, is not so vast.
3. It's not safe to write a 20 page paper on something that can change the very next day. In my case, it's the economic decline of Vietnam in which the communist government is responsible for.

It sounds like a good thesis, I'm not going to lie, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle a lot of information in such a time frame.

As for my other options, I'm still very interested in human behaviors and actions. As a matter of fact, I think I'm more fascinated with psychology and sociology than I am with communism...

Monday, January 12, 2009

An Rand

On my way home, I was deeply contemplating about my search for a thesis. I came to the conclusion that I also want to do something with art. Sociology, anti-communism, and art. Hmmmm, where have I heard that before? OH, THAT'S RIGHT. THE FOUNTAINHEAD.

And you ask me why I love that book.

First entry, w00t

It feels weird blogging with so many people sitting in the same room as me. It's all part of the paranoia I have with people reading over my shoulder. But I'm sure no one is. I think.

An update on finding an interesting thesis: I think I have checked out more books last week from the Aldrich Library than I have ever checked out in my entire student life at Episcopal. I guess it's pretty shameful to admit because I only checked out ten books...