Sunday, February 8, 2009

An's To Do List Sunday


3:45-5:00 - Research outline
5:05-6:00 - Lab Report
6:05-6:30 - Le Petit Prince
6:35-7:10 - Physics worksheet
7:15-8:15 - Study Math
8:15-whenever - English project

I'll try to add in dinner and shower somewhere.

AND I have a good reason why I did not start half of this yesterday.

9:00-1:00 - Went to clean at church
1:00-2:00 - Went to my dad's friend's house to do something with his pond (I didn't want to go)
2:00-2:30 - Came home, showered
3:00-4:30 - When to Madeline's house to work on the English film
4:30-10:00 - Went back to church for "Asian Christian Fellowship"
I came home around 10:30 and fell asleep.

If there are more weekends like this in the future, I'm going to kick somebody.

Something Honors Sem. related: The weather yesterday was beautiful. I realized that if gray rainy weather was also part of this weekend, I think I would be more insane than I am now.


  1. honestly, complaining about it won't get you anywhere.. it just wastes the little precious time you do have.

    don't complain about it. just do it. then you might just have time leftover :)

    and if you dont- try again next week.

  2. hahah thanks, hannah. school's pretty much the only thing i complain about.
